What is the Advantage and Disadvantage of the cam damage

Author: Liang

Mar. 07, 2024



Tags: Energy

The advantage CAM plants observe involves the ability to grow and reproduce in regions where competition from C3 and C4 plants is minimal. By closing stomata during the day, gas exchange (CO2 in and O2/H2O out) does not occur.
This advantage (wrt water loss) also limits the total amount of photosynthesis the plant is capable of during sunlight hours, since at night (during dew-point water loss due to evapotranspiration is limited/negligible and stomates open) CO2 is stockpiled in the form of crassulaic acid and when that acid is completely consumed during the following day, no additional photosynthesis can be performed, regardless of available water or sunlight.

It is worth noting that the tissues are much more complex and growth occurs at a reduced rate, meaning they have a hard time competing for habitat in most climates where C3 plants dominate.

CAM metabolism is a unique adaptation found in some plants that have evolved to survive in harsh environments. One major advantage of CAM plants is that they can significantly reduce water loss through their stomata during the day, which allows them to survive in arid regions where water availability is a limiting factor for plant growth. CAM plants have been able to prosper in areas where they face less competition from C3 and C4 plants. This is because by closing their stomata during daytime, CAM plants inhibit CO2 in and O2/H2O out gases exchange. However, this advantage comes with a disadvantage as the stomata closure during the day limits the amount of photosynthesis that can be performed during the sunlight hours. As a result, CAM plants store the carbon dioxide in the form of crassulaic acid at night when water loss due to evapotranspiration is negligible. However, this storage is limited and photosynthesis stops once the acid is completely consumed during the day, regardless of available water or sunlight. It is worth noting that Cam plants are more complex in their functionality and hence, growth occurs at a reduced rate. This implies that in most regions where C3 plants dominate, they face difficulties while competing for habitat.

What is the Advantage and Disadvantage of the cam damage

What are the advantage and disadvantage of CAM metabolism for plants? ..


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